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Black Friday 2017

It is time to prepare your shopping carts, from Thursday 23rd at midnight to Friday 24th at midnight we switch to Black Friday discounts until Monday, November 27 at night! On the menu, 15% direct discount (excluding products on sale) + 10% of the value of your shopping cart in points of purchase. In total, this gives you a 25% discount on the entire site. Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAY

Boosted Aromas e-Liquids

You may have realized that Jean Cloud Vape recently introduced e-liquids with boosted aromas from Europe and elsewhere.We are happy to offer our customers a selection of e-liquid that is not yet available in Canada, French brands such as Vape or DIY of Revolute and Vape Institute. As with the all concentrates, some brands offer real pearls such as "The thing" of Le French Liquide or "Lion's Roar" of Vape Institute. You will also find famous brands...

Welsh Custard by Chefs Flavours Review

Welsh Custard Concentrate by Chefs Flavours

Mix @20% per Chef's Vapour. Will test SF at that, seems high, but all their recommended percentages are high so this brand may be on the weaker side? It has had really good reviews though.Percentage Used: 20% WOW! I know, but that was the percentage given for use by Chefs Flavours.Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton coil at 20W.PG/VG: 30/70Steep Time: 31 DaysAroma: Vanilla, heavy cream, caramel, custard.Flavor Description: This is a very heavy, rich,...

Cloud’s of Lolo Onena Concentrate Review

Cloud's of Lolo Onena Concentrate Review

Laurent Cardon, the very prolific creator of concentrates of the Clouds of Lolo brand, launches into the war of lemon meringue pies with Onena. Closer to Lemon Tart by Dinner Lady than to Munchies, it offers a good meringue lemon pie. The acidity of the lemon is not too pronounced and leaves room for the crunchiness of the batter and the creamy side of the meringue. An efficient and economical alternative to the other two...

Full Moon Green, An excellent concentrate of pineapple and lime.

Green Concentrate by Full Moon

Attention, here is an incredibly good concentrate, the Full Moon Green! As much as I can tell you, I am very pleased to present it to you. Of Malaysian origin, it is the number one characteristic of my choice! Indeed, I have already been able to present you Malaysian liquids on the site. These are really excellent liquids, the best I've had the opportunity to taste to date. So when I saw that Malaysian...

Goose from Quack’s Juice Factory Review

"Better late than never" Jean Cloud Vape now distributes concentrate flavors from Quack's Juice Factory.

A palate that became tired of the same old custards that all seem to share exactly the same basic recipe ( 15% Capella Custard V1, 2% TFA Dulche de Leche , 1-2 drops Ethyl Maltol per 10ml finished juice ). And it got BORING! In particular, I found custard from the Americas overly vanilla drenched. So I met Quack’s Goose Juice ( straight outta New York )...

Discover the Corsicavap Concentrated

Corsicavap Concentrates

Corsicavap is a brand of aroma a little different from the others, and it begins with its leader, Eva, a real atypical character. After some years of designing flavors for others, it is in 2014 that it takes the path of independence by creating its own concentrates. Because yes, you will find in this stall only aromas and concentrates to dilute in a base, a small cavern only dedicated to those who practice the DIY.The range of Corsicavap is full of...

Concentrated Flavors Ladybug juice

Concentrates Ladybug juice

When a true fan of the vapers starts to make greedy recipes, it gives Ladybug juice. The recipes of Ladybug juice will fill your taste buds. A range of French DIY to discover urgently! Made by a passionate enthusiast.  BUTTERFLY JUICE - LadyBug Juice: The concentrated flavor Butterfly Juice is a sweet mix of citrus, licorice and absinthe. A complex flavor that will reminisce PEZ candy for the older ones. 3 Steep days.CUSTARD - LadyBug Juice: Custard flavor, connoisseurs...

The range of DIY Vape Institute concentrates

Vape Institute

In the space of a very short time, the manufacturer of premium liquids Vape Institute has created a place apart in the world of steam.Around their Lion's Roar became for a large number of vapers a liquid completely unavoidable, the French manufacturer has built an innovative and very consistent range. Have you often steamed a chestnut liquid? A sweet cream of raspberry sprinkled with crackers?These are some of the tasty invitations of Vape-Institut! Built on a very successful basis, the recipes of Vape...

Clouds of islands, a range of DIY aromas not to be missed!

Clouds islands is a French variety of concentrated flavorings for making DIY e-liquid.

Designed and manufactured in Reunion by the brand Entre Deux Vapes. A selection of 8 flavors fruity, gourmet and tobacco to delight the greatest number.Yeti: Try the climb of Piton des Neiges, with the famous Yéti! Extreme freshness, do not leave without your little wool ... Happy Days: An excellent milkshake with natural and creamy strawberry, the sweetness of the years Fonzarelli, calories in...

814 Concentrated Flavors


After the great success of the eliquide 814 History of e-liquids series, the French manufacturer LFEL based in Gironde decided to produce the range DIY version (Do It Yourself) for all vapers to guarantee of regaining the exact flavor of each flavor.The 814 Concentrated Flavors, a range of premium concentrates enriched with pleasure ... The French manufacturer 814 offers concentrated flavors for premium electronic cigarettes with tasty and complex recipes inspired by history....