Juul is banned in the United States
The information was reported by the Wall Street Journal and caused the effect of a bombshell for the electronic cigarette industry in the USA.
The day after our publication, the information was officially confirmed through an FDA press release. The health organization has refused the request for authorization from the largest vape manufacturer in the United States.
Update June 25: New twist. The ban was temporarily suspended by a court in Washington.
Today, the Food and Drud Administration issued a marketing denial of all Juul products currently sold in the US market. Excerpt from FDA press release
Largest US manufacturer ousted?
The rumor had the effect of a bomb in the small world of the American vape. According to the famous Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently considering not granting Juul sales authorization for its products in the United States. While the FDA and Juul have so far declined to comment, the regulator’s decision would simply deprive American smokers and vapers of one of the country’s most popular e-cigarette brands, if it is not the most popular of all.
For Amanda Wheeler, speaking to Filter, this is “the latest distressing example of the agency’s regulatory fire campaign against the nicotine vaping products that millions of Americans rely on like alternative to cigarettes. For her, “the FDA’s staggering disregard for ordinary Americans and their right to switch to the much safer alternative of vaping will surely rank as one of the FDA’s greatest episodes of regulatory malpractice.” ‘American history’. For his part, Clive Bates indicated that if the information reported by the WSJ turns out to be accurate, then “it marks an extraordinary lack of objectivity and competence on the part of the FDA”.
The coming weeks will tell us if the FDA really intends to ban Juul from continuing to sell its products in the United States. The vaping industry across the Atlantic has already said it is very worried if this is the case, in particular because Juul’s financial means are almost infinite, which suggests that they were able to provide all the studies requested. to get their PMTA. But if even the largest companies fail to make their products last in the American market, what about the small manufacturers whose means are much less?
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