2019, a qp Design year!
That’s it, the year 2018 is behind us. A good year for the electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarette that has definitely established itself as an alternative to cigarettes. In terms of innovation, we have seen the explosion of POD systems, which offer a new way of vaping while using the nicotine salts that go hand in hand. Mesh has been revived and brands such as Vaporesso, Smok and Vandy Vape have kept pace by offering low cost quality material.

However, a Canadian company, qp Design, has been put on the front of the stage thanks to their fantastic work, and thus, to succeed in the game. Positioning on the high-end sector, qp Design offers us a series of atomizers extremely well designed. The care to bring to the realization of their materials does not deceive. Their RDA and RTA are solid, practical and work wonders. Just take a ride on the internet to realize it. It is certain, the serious job proposed by this company is to be congratulated!
And here we are in 2019, in order to launch this year under the best auspices, qp Design is partnering with Dragon Mod Co. to offer us the ultimate mech mod / RDA kit.
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